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Columbia or NYU? Which One Should You Go For?

Choosing between two prestigious institutions like Columbia University and New York University (NYU) is a bit like being handed the keys to two different enchanted kingdoms.   Both offer incredible academic experiences,[...]
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Choosing a Major: Tips for Undecided College Students

For many college-bound individuals, the road to higher education is an exciting and transformative journey filled with promise and opportunity.   Yet, it's not uncommon to arrive at the academic crossroads, that moment when[...]
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9 Easy Hacks To Decorate Your Student Room in 2023

College life is an exhilarating adventure filled with new experiences, friendships, and, of course, the quintessential student room.   Your room is more than just a space; it's a canvas waiting for your unique touch of[...]
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Should You Drop Out of University? Here Are the Pros and Cons

The title of this article might take you by surprise but it's a question that's crossed the minds of many students at some point on their academic journey: Should you drop out of university? It's a decision that can feel as monumental as[...]
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NYU: Unraveling What Lies Beneath

NYU, you certainly have heard of this renowned university before, but nonetheless welcome to the bold and brilliant realm of New York University (NYU), where the fusion of academia and the urban landscape sparks an academic journey[...]
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Showing 116 - 120 of 312 posts