Writing essays is something every student has to deal with at some point during their academic career. While some students manage to write great essays without much trouble, others struggle to come up with ideas or even get stuck after starting the essay.

You may already be aware of the importance of having good essay writing skills during your education. Essays are often asked of students in high school and college, and they play a key role in determining whether you pass a course or not. As such, learning proper essay writing techniques can mean the difference between success and failure.

Here are the best essay tips and steps to help you to create effective essay writing skills, and academic style and hook the people in your audience.

Brainstorm Ideas Before Writing an Essay

The best thing about brainstorming is that it helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. You don't have to worry about making a mistake because you're just thinking out loud. This method works well for writing essays too. Here are some essay tips for brainstorming:

  • Start by listing everything you know about the topic.
  • Next, list what you think about the topic.
  • Finally, list how you feel about the topic.
  • Keep revising your outline until you reach the final version.

These will help you to identify what kind of essay you're going to write.

Choose your topic carefully

Choose your topic carefully while writing your essays

The most important thing to remember when picking a topic is to do your homework. Before you start writing, make sure you know everything there is to know about the subject.

You can use online resources like Wikipedia, Quora, and Reddit to learn more about the essay topic. This will help you understand what people are talking about when they discuss the topic.

Once you've done your due diligence, pick a topic that interests you. Why do you care about the topic? What makes it different from others out there?

Is it something you're passionate about? Or maybe it's just something you feel strongly about. Whatever it is, keep it in mind when making decisions about essay topics to cover.

Explain Your Point of View Clearly

After you decide on your topic, it's time to explain why you want to talk about this issue. In other words, tell us what you plan to say about the topic.

It's okay if you haven't decided exactly what you'll say yet. Just make sure you have a clear idea of where you want to go with the essay.

Because writing a strong essay is not just writing words on paper. The purpose of an essay is to persuade your reader to accept your opinion. To accomplish this, you need to convince them that your opinion is correct.

So, make sure you explain your position clearly. Use strong examples to support your points. To be effective at communicating your thoughts, you must use clear language.

Write a Thesis Statement for Your Essay

A thesis statement is a purpose behind your research paper. You want to make it clear what you are trying to prove. In other words, it’s the main idea of your paper.

Your thesis statement helps you write your next two to three paragraphs. If you don't know where to start, here are some tips to help you come up with one.

1. Make sure your thesis statement has a specific focus. It should answer the question “Why does this matter?” or “What is the point of my argument?”

2. Write your thesis statement using active verbs. For example, instead of saying "I believe..." try "My argument is that...." use formal language and active voice.

3. Keep your thesis statement short. A thesis statement shouldn't be longer than five sentences.

4. Include your own thoughts. What do you think about the topic? How does it apply to you personally? Do you agree or disagree?

5. Finally, ask yourself these questions before you begin writing: Is my thesis statement clear? Does it reflect my personal feelings about the topic?

Write Clearly

If you want to write well, it starts with editing. You edit yourself, your writing, and your story. When you edit, you look for ways to make your writing clearer and do less common mistakes.

This includes checking spelling and grammar, making sure your sentences are clear, and finding places where you can add words to help clarify the meaning.

Writing well is about clarity. If you can’t explain something simply, you won’t understand it. So start by looking at your writing and asking yourself questions like: Is my writing clear?

Does everything I say mean exactly what I intend it to? Do I use simple language? Can anyone follow what I’m saying? Double-check your body paragraphs and keep them in a way simple to understand

Editing is an important part of good writing. As you go along, you'll find some confusing sentences, grammar, and spelling mistakes, so read and edit your essay again.

If you find yourself struggling to figure out how to improve your writing, ask someone else to read it. They might give you some great feedback.

Follow These Essay Structures

Follow These Essay Structures

There are many different ways to write an academic paper, and each one has its pros and cons. But one thing we know for sure is that every writer needs some sort of structure.

Whether you want to write about a specific topic or simply express yourself, there’s no way around it — you need to follow certain rules. Here are five essential elements that make up a good academic paper:


Writing an academic paper is a complex task. The first step is to introduce yourself and explain what you're doing. This is called the introduction.

Introductions should always begin with a short paragraph explaining who you are, what your experience is, and why you're writing this particular piece.

This section is where you give background information about yourself, your experience, and your goals.

For example, you might say something like this:

I am a student studying. I've been working on my thesis project for several months now. My goal is to complete my degree by graduation date.

Now that you've introduced yourself, let's move on to the body of your essay.

Body Paragraphs

There are many different ways to organize an essay, and each one has advantages and disadvantages. But one thing we can say for certain is that every writer needs a body paragraph.

Everybody's paragraph has three parts: an introduction, the main idea, and supporting evidence.

  • An introduction tells the reader why he or she should care about the topic being discussed.
  • The main idea gives the reader a reason to believe that the author has something worthwhile to share.
  • Supporting evidence provides proof that the main idea is true.

Main Ideas

Main ideas are the most important things to include in any essay. They're the foundation upon which everything else rests. If you don't include them, your reader won't understand what you're trying to say.

Once you've identified the main ideas, you can begin drafting your outline. This step helps you organize your thoughts and makes it easier to develop each section of the essay.

If you fail to address these main ideas, your essay won't be persuasive. So, when brainstorming these ideas, keep them simple. Don't try to include too many details; just state the topic clearly.

Supporting Evidence

Every paragraph needs supporting evidence. This could be facts, statistics, quotes, or other types of data. Make sure to cite your sources whenever possible. Using citations will make your essay writing process easier.

Supporting evidence is important when writing an academic paper. Without supporting evidence, your argument may be weak. And without a strong argument, your paper won't be accepted.


This section should summarize your entire paper. Summarize your argument, explain your thesis statement, and answer any questions you might have left unanswered.


At the end of your paper, add a reference list and relevant sources. Each citation should include the author’s name, title, publication date, publisher, and volume number.


Add a short acknowledgment section at the end of your paper. Here, you can thank others who contributed to your success. For example, if you received funding for your project, mention the organization that provided the money. Also, acknowledge any individuals who helped you along the way.

Writing The Conclusion

The conclusion is the final section of your essay. This is where you sum up everything you wrote about in the body of your paper.

You want to make sure that it ties back to your main idea and supports it. If you're writing a research paper, you'll probably start out with some background information on the topic, followed by a discussion of the major points you found during your research.

Then you'll write a summary of those points, followed by a brief analysis of how each one affects your overall argument. Finally, you'll wrap things up by summarizing what you learned from your research.

A good conclusion will leave people feeling satisfied and ready to move on to the next thing. They won't feel cheated because they didn't finish reading the whole paper. A weak conclusion might confuse them, making them wonder why they spent so much time reading.

Final Essay Tips

Writing essays is a skill that takes practice and experience to master. While there are no set rules for creating a perfect essay, there are certain points that every student needs to consider when crafting his or her own masterpiece.

So here you can find our final essay tips for you to create a successful essay during your education as a university student;

1. Plan

Planning an essay is similar to planning a business plan. You need to outline the main points you want to cover, then research each point thoroughly. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to say, you can write down the structure of your paper. Then, proofread your work to catch any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Finally, edit your work until it's perfect.

2. Research

Research is the backbone of every successful essay. Before you begin writing, look into your topic and gather facts. Make sure you understand the subject matter completely and then organize your thoughts logically. Keep your thesis statement front and center, and always refer back to it whenever you feel stuck.

3. Structure

The structure is another key component of an effective essay. Every paragraph needs to support your thesis statement, and each sentence should contribute to the overall message. When you're writing, try to avoid long sentences; instead, break up your paragraphs into smaller chunks.

4. Write

Writing an essay requires practice especially if you want to write an academic essay. Practice makes perfect, and the more you write, the easier it gets. But be careful about spelling mistakes and just focus on expressing yourself clearly. Remember, the goal of an essay is to persuade someone to agree with your ideas. 

5. Proofread

Proofreading is probably the most overlooked part of writing an essay. Read through your work several times to make sure everything flows smoothly. Look for misspelled words and awkward phrasing. Also, pay attention to grammar and punctuation. An essay written with poor English could easily turn off your reader.


In conclusion, writing essays can be difficult, especially if you haven't done it in quite a while. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In fact, we've compiled a list of our top essay writing tips to help you succeed.

So whether you're preparing for college, applying to graduate school, or just trying to ace your next test, these tips will help you write like a pro.

Now that you know how to write an essay, you're ready to apply these tips to your own writing projects and create the best college essay. Good luck!

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