If you left home to attend a university or college, you most likely live in a uni dorm, a private apartment, or a student housing residence like Harrington alongside your college roommates. 


It is always fun to live with friends and live the freedom right? but it is never simpler. Well, sometimes this can be a difficult task.


Sharing an apartment or a dorm with friends sounds always exciting but what if you share the place with somebody you don't quite know enough.


Tips On Living With College Roommates


You may have different ages, personalities, biorhythms, and hobbies. All of this will have an impact on your life. Do not expect your cohabitation to be conflict-free, regardless of the type of relationship you are in or how good your first impression of each other was.


But don't be concerned; everything will turn out OK. In this article, we will explain to you how to have a healthy roommate relationship so, we believe you will benefit a lot from reading this article.


Learn about them


Moving in with a new individual necessitates this step. Decide who you want to live with. Find out if you have any mutual interests or hobbies, and then take it from there! Your roommate may not be your new closest friend, but you'll be spending a lot of time with them, so getting to know them always help.


Know each other


When it comes to moving in with someone new, communication is crucial. You could be moving in with a close friend, but there's a strong possibility you'll be sharing a room with a stranger. 


Tell your roommate whatever he or she needs to know about you. When difficulties develop, communication is also crucial. It's a good idea to let them know if something is troubling you before it becomes a bigger issue.


Your roommate should be respected


Although it appears to be easy and apparent, not everyone recalls it. While your companion is reading, you may listen to music or view a movie with headphones. Turn on the table lamp if you wish to read a book late at night.


Late at night, don't create a racket. It might be aggravating to be unable to sleep because someone in the next room is laughing or chatting loudly.


Establish ground rules for your visit


If you or your roommate has a romantic partner who visits your dorm frequently, your relationship will eventually become strained. If one of you has pals who are constantly at ease in your shared little area, this will also induce anxiety.


Discuss how frequently you have visitors, how many you accept at a time, how long you believe visitors can remain, and when you think they should go. 


Everyone requires privacy and space from time to time. Having a roommate requires you to share tasks in your shared space. This might entail making a task calendar to determine who will take out or vacuum the trash each week, but task schedules aren't for everyone. 


The most essential thing is to maintain your planetary by having both you and your roommate lift weights.


Talk about your restroom habits


To begin with, anything left in the restroom will be utilized by others. This may be the start of a simmering animosity. Choose dedicated shelves or spaces to keep toiletries if you have a shared bathroom or private sink to help safeguard your possessions. 


On a piece of masking tape, write your name in these locations. Because you now have a roommate, you'll also want to invest in a decent robe or some form of cover-up.


Make an effort to get along with your housemates


You don't have to be best friends to get along. We're talking about friendship and collaboration more than anything else. At least once a week, take a break and spend time with your housemates. 


You get a great chance to learn more about their culture and traditions if they are from different nations. You may go camping, to a café, see a movie, or just converse with someone who shares your interests.


Make an effort to assist your roommates. Things like preparing a warm meal for her arrival come together to help develop trustworthy relationships in which disagreements are much simpler to avoid.


Think about it


Most students experience stress at some time throughout their academic careers. Do something kind for your roommate if he is anxious or not feeling well. 


You may bring her a cup of soup or a favorite treat, volunteer to run an errand for her, or adjust your cleaning schedule to accommodate her. Any act of selflessness might help to improve your bond with your roommate. It's even possible to be the best pals.


What if your roommate isn't the best?


Don't be concerned! Early disclosure of any issues between roommates will lead to better communication in the future. If your roommate is a slob, request that he tidy up the communal spaces. 


Have a sit-down chat with your roommate to review room expectations and resolve earlier concerns if you've agreed on particular standards and your roommate is consistently breaking them. 


You can ask your Resident Assistant to assist you in solving any problems if necessary. But keep in mind that you don't have to be a jerk to get things done.


Also Read; A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Find a Roommate in a New City



Final Words


Today's topic is 7 Tips For Living With College Roommates, and we hope you'll find it useful. Check out our community blog for additional student-related material.


As you know, Harrington Housing offers affordable housing for those looking for top-quality student housing and summer internship options in many cities across the country and has a friendly team of booking professionals to assist you every step of the way. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us for top-quality student housing services.