Welcome to our blog about finding the best option for students looking to move out of their parent’s homes.
With so many options available, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. We will explore the pros and cons of coliving and renting, and help you make an informed decision about your living situation.
Whether you’re looking for the convenience of coliving or the independence of renting, we’ll provide you with the information and resources you need to make the best choice for your situation.

Why is Making This Decision Important

Deciding between coliving or renting apartments for students is important because it can affect their overall college experience.
Coliving arrangements can provide a sense of community and social support, while renting an apartment may offer more privacy and independence.
 Additionally, the cost of housing can vary greatly between the two options and it is important for students to consider their budget and financial situation when making their decision.
Ultimately, the decision should be based on the individual student's needs, preferences, and financial situation.
This is why in this article; we will lay out the pros and cons of each one so you can make the best decision for you.

Pros of Renting for Students



Renting an apartment allows students to have their own space and establish independence away from their parents or guardians.


An apartment provides students with a private space where they can study, relax, and entertain guests without the interruptions of roommates or shared living spaces.


Renting an apartment allows students to choose where they live, the type of apartment they want to live in, and the length of their lease.


Many apartments offer amenities such as a pool, gym, or laundry facilities that students can use.


Renting an apartment requires students to take on more responsibility for their living situation, which can help them develop important life skills such as budgeting and time management.
It’s also essential to have a list of college apartment essentials to ensure you have everything you need for a comfortable living experience.

Proximity to campus

Many apartments are located close to college campuses, which makes it easier for students to get to class and other campus events.

Social opportunities

Living in an apartment complex or building can offer opportunities to socialize with other students, who can become friends and create a sense of community.

Potential for long-term housing:

An apartment rental can be a good long-term housing option for students who plan to stay in the area after graduation.

Cons of Renting Apartments for Students



Renting an apartment can be more expensive than other housing options such as dormitories or shared rentals, which can be a financial burden for students on a budget.


Along with the pro, Renting an apartment also means students are responsible for paying rent and bills, and for maintaining the apartment, which can be a heavy responsibility for students who are not used to it.

Maintenance and Repairs

If something in the apartment breaks or needs repairs, it is the student's responsibility to take care of it.

Lack of community

Living in an apartment may offer less of a sense of community than living in a dormitory, which can make it more difficult for students to make friends and feel connected to their school.


Living in an apartment can be noisy, especially if the student's neighbors are loud or have parties often.

Limited amenities

Many apartments may not have amenities such as a gym or laundry facilities, or they may charge extra fees for using them.

Risk of landlord issues

Renting an apartment also means dealing with landlords, which can be difficult if the landlord is unresponsive or uncooperative.

Limited term of the contract

Apartment rentals often have a set lease term, and if a student needs to move out before the lease is up, they may be subject to penalties or fines.
Also check pros and cons of having a roommate for more indepth analysis.

Pros of Coliving for Students



Coliving is often more cost-effective than renting an apartment on one's own, as it allows for shared expenses such as rent, utilities, and household items.

Sense of community

Coliving provides a built-in sense of community and the opportunity to form close friendships with roommates.

Shared responsibilities

Coliving allows for shared responsibilities, such as cleaning and maintaining common areas, which can make it easier for students to keep the space organized and comfortable.

Opportunities for socializing

Living with other people provides opportunities for socializing and networking, which can be beneficial for students both academically and personally.


Coliving can provide a safer living environment as there will be always people around and students can look out for one another.


Coliving can expose students to different lifestyles, backgrounds, and perspectives, which can broaden their understanding of the world and promote personal growth.


Coliving can be more convenient as it eliminates the need to search for roommates and sign a lease, as this is already done for the students by the coliving provider.

Cons of Coliving for Students


Lack of privacy

Coliving means sharing living spaces with others, which can make it difficult to maintain privacy and personal space.

Potential for roommate conflicts

Living with other people, even if they are friends, can lead to disagreements and conflicts, which can be stressful and disruptive.

Limited control over the living environment

Coliving means having less control over the living environment, as decisions about decor, shared spaces, and common items may be made by the group.


Living with other people can be noisy, especially if roommates are loud or have guests over often.

Limited autonomy

Coliving may limit students' autonomy as they may have to comply with certain rules or expectations set by the coliving provider or roommates.

Risk of compatibility issues

Living with roommates can be challenging if there are compatibility issues such as different lifestyles, habits, or schedules.

Limited choice of roommates

Some coliving providers assign roommates, which means students may not have the opportunity to choose who they live with.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you're a student trying to decide between renting an apartment or coliving, the choice is yours.
Your decision will depend on your lifestyle and preferences. However, if you're looking for convenience, community, and a more economical option, coliving might be the way to go.
So don't stress too much, just make sure to do your research and find the best fit for you.
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