If you want to make some extra cash, a part-time job is a good way to reach that goal. Luckily there are more part-time job opportunities today than ever in history and the reason behind this is the booming technology.


The good part of it, these part-time jobs are mainly flexible, and if you have some experience and spend a little bit more time it pays well. 


As you know, many students try to cut their expenses for extra cash but some choose different paths and use their free time for making money. Yes, it requires extra work but the end result will be more satisfying.


So today's article is about the best part-time jobs for students and all are online opportunities so you don't need to go and work in a coffee shop or Walmart.


Best Online Part-Time Jobs for Students

Best online part time jobs for students


Studying in university will be stressful when you have a tight budget. You have lots of expenses and you need to pay for school, student accommodation, books, food… the list goes on.


Fortunately, online job opportunities are increasing day by day because we are living in an online world. You only need a computer and internet connection to work for a company and solve their problems.


It's also beneficial for companies as well if they have a small project, they don't need to hire a team of employees and if you have the talent to solve people's problems, it doesn't matter which part of the world you are living in.


All of the part-time jobs we’re featuring here are freelance work. This means all jobs are online and you can choose your own clients and depend on your experience you can increase your rates.


Let's get started.


1 - Translation Jobs


In the U.S. this is a high-paying part-time job if you’re fluent in different languages. Companies need these kinds of translation services for international clients.


You can send a detailed translation proposal to all kinds of companies that run multilanguage advertisement campaigns online. If you are good at translation, you will translate the contents for the companies and help them to reach their clients in the right way. 


2 - Writing Jobs


Writing Jobs for students


Today, the internet is used by almost every company for reaching their audience, and for better communication, they need engaging and helpful content right!


If you are good at writing, it will be a huge opportunity for you. Just search any sector you have experience of interest in and reach out to companies and offer your solution.


The options are nearly endless, you will write blog posts, resumes, cover letters, social media copy, press releases, product descriptions, transcripts, and so on.


3 - Data Entry Jobs


Although it looks like a boring job, it's also an easy job. You don't need any experience at all for this freelance service. There are lots of firms that are looking for a data entry specialist.


You will create a profile on freelance websites and offer your service to the world. The rest is easy, you will complete the data entry task that companies ask for.


4 - Graphic Design Jobs


Graphic Design Jobs for Students


This freelance job is for those who love art and design. If you have the skills to fulfill other people's design requests, the capacity of graphic design quotes will shock you.


Logo design, business card design, brochure design, packaging design, poster design, social media design, fashion design, industrial & product design... you name it.


You can work anywhere and any time with the app (Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity designer, etc) on your laptop and create amazing visual pieces for other people, and make a good amount of money.


5 - Video Editing Jobs


Like graphic design, video editing jobs need some sort of creativity. Consumers need different types of content, some like to read, some like to see and some like to watch.


And at this freelance job, you are trying to impress watchers with your editing skills. Visual effects always attract people and get the audience's attention.


That's the solution you are offering to companies. You will edit their video content and make them engaging and impressive content. You can use the online communities where artists share and showcase their creative work and get your first editing gig.


6 - Social Media Jobs


In this nonstop digital world, there’s no longer an off button to our lives. This has forced brands to become active in social media in order not only to stay relevant but also to keep engaging in the needs of their consumers. 


Maybe you don't have design skills but have a big audience on social media. You will use this as leverage to bring some sponsorship deals to the table and offer brands the power of your online community.


7 - Voice Over Jobs


Voice over jobs for students


There are multiple websites that provide voice-over jobs and many places where you can upload demos for potential clients that could hire you. Here are a few websites that will help you find people that have demand for your services and that may be willing to hire you.


  • Fiverr.com
  • Upwork.com
  • Freelancer.com
  • Voquent.com


Having a good voice is not enough tho, you also need studio-quality mics and a quiet place to get the job done. If you don't have the types of equipment don't worry, there are plenty of studios renting their equipment hourly. 


8 - Online Tutoring Jobs


Tutoring used to be done strictly by professionals with degrees and certifications, but these days private tutors come from a range of backgrounds and can even be students.


Maybe you like to play guitar and are really good at it so why not teach others and make some extra cash right! Maybe you are a math student and somebody is searching online to find a tutor.


You'll use freelancing platforms and even social media. Just post your skills on Facebook groups and also o your profile so some people will find you and hire you for your skills.


9 - Virtual Assistant Jobs


Consultation is a huge sector, you'll be a virtual assistant for a businessman or maybe consult a company for a small project. There will be smaller tasks that take anywhere from 15-20 minutes to complete or 3-4 hour tasks to complete.


Here are some examples of the types of jobs for which virtual assistants are the best fit;


  • Scheduling
  • Transcription
  • Event planning
  • Organizing files
  • Writing and editing
  • Email and calendar organization


Virtual assistants typically provide support to companies, agencies, or individuals by handling customer service, accounting, scheduling, word processing, administrative tasks, data entry, and more.


As a student, you only need to reach out to companies and send them a proposal or apply to freelancing sites and create a profile to find a VA job.



Alright, today we covered the best online part-time jobs for students. We hope you found some value in this article and if so you'll share this article with your friends to help them decide which part-time job they want to start.


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