When it comes to locating the perfect student housing, there are pros and cons. The notion of making new friends, having more freedom, and having a new location to call home might fill you with joy. However, thousands of other students are also seeking housing, so it may be daunting.


It's easy to get caught up in a frenzied search for student accommodation and feel compelled to take a pretty even if it's not quite perfect for you.


You may prepare yourself to make an educated decision by following a few basic steps. To assist you, we've compiled a list of our top ten recommendations for visiting a student residence.


Best Tips to Consider When Looking for Student Housing

Best Tips to Consider When Looking for Student Housing


You have to set your budget.


During college and internships, student housing is the most expensive expenditure. Making the proper option is crucial, whether you want to save money on rent by living away from the city center or spend a little more on a private, ensuite room. 


College dorm rooms are usually the cheapest, but you may make up for the loss of privacy by paying more in rent. Because meals will be provided, you will (hopefully) eat out less, choosing residential accommodation to save money is often a good idea.


Location is a primary tip for student housing.


When touring student apartments, one of the most crucial things to ask is: Will you feel comfortable living there? You can take a tour before or after the viewing to have a better understanding of the location. Is the area well-lit, and would you feel comfortable to travel traveling?


Check out the transportation options as well; is there a station nearby? When do the buses cease running at night? What is the nearest store's address? What's going on with your neighbors? When it comes to large house parties, you could get in trouble if they're a young family.


Security is another important tip when searching for student housing.


Unfortunately, robbers frequently target student residences. There are frequently laptops and other electronic devices on the premises, as well as visitors and the possibility of leaving windows and doors open.


As a result, it's critical to learn about the property's safety. Are the locks on the doors and windows of good quality? You can also inquire about the presence of a burglar alarm. When looking for student housing, it's also crucial to think about fire safety. 


Your landlord should also provide a fire extinguisher if you live in a large house. Keep an eye out for any plugs that appear to be harmful, as well as any loose or unsecured wires, as these can be quite dangerous and should be rectified right away.



Furniture and appliances


Take careful note of which appliances and furniture are included when touring places. You may have your eye on certain items, particularly fluffy sofas, but it's possible that they belonged to the previous renter! 


If you're curious about what essentials are a must for a college apartment, make sure to check out some tips on the college apartment must-haves.

Consider whether the arrangement will work for you and your roommates. Is the kitchen going to be cramped? Is there enough space in the refrigerator? Is there a table where you can sit if you're having a home-cooked meal?


If any of the appliances or furniture are broken, show them to the landlord or agent now so they may be fixed before you move in.




Working, streaming, and scrolling all require a strong Wi-Fi connection. Inquire with the rental agent or landlord about the strength of the signal and whether it reaches all rooms.


You should talk to existing tenants


If you're lucky, current renters will be on the premises when you go to inspect it, providing you with an objective perspective. "What is the best and worst part of living here?" you could inquire.


They may complain that the landlord is reluctant to resolve issues and that the neighbors are a pain... Alternatively, they may claim that they are content to live there and have nothing to complain about; if this is the case, you may be the winner!


Water supply


When you have a group of students using the bathroom numerous times a day, low water pressure isn't conducive to a happy family! While you're watching, swiftly turn the taps to ensure there's more than just saliva.


You may also want to check your toilet flush to make sure it's working properly.


At the same time, keep an eye out for any damp places or leaks. Water damage may be both costly and dangerous.


Do not forget to check that the house is well insulated!


Everyone knows that one of the most expensive aspects of being a student is energy bills (if not included in your rent). Making sure the property is effectively insulated might save you up to £100 per year on power expenditures.


Don't be concerned about going to the attic to inspect the roof's insulation. Double-glazed windows, lockable doors, a robust heating system, and a lack of draft points should all be top priorities.


If the walls inside the house are cold, that's a symptom of poor insulation (and can eventually lead to moisture in the walls). These inspections will help you save money on your energy bills.

It's also not a bad idea to check the roof from the outside to see if any tiles are missing. If this is the case, leaks may occur throughout the year.


As you clearly see, it's not easy to find a proper place right? That's why many students choose Student Housing provides like Harrington Housing. Dealing with everything by yourself will also affect your school performance. 


If you think it's overwhelming, we have a lot of amazing fully furnished options for you with on-site security, Wi-fi, Netflix, Gym, Co-working space, and much more.


Harrington Housing offers affordable housing for those who search for top-quality student housing options and we list hundreds of rooms in many cities across the country and have a team of friendly booking experts to help you through every step of the process.


Ok, we covered 9 tips to consider when looking for student housing today and we hope you'll find some value in this article. For more student-related content you can check our community blog.